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Accounting and Auditing


Our service consists of general accounting registration and processing, as well as financial statement preparation and tax management. We also offer calculation and preparation of payrolls, and processing for federal and local agencies, services usually required by companies in development or in their preoperative or startup stage.


The purpose of financial auditing is to release a report guaranteeing that the results presented in the financial statements accurately portray the financial situation of the company.
Our firm is registered in the Colegio de Contadores Públicos y Dependencias Gubernamentales (Association of Public Accountants and Government Agencies) for financial statement auditing.
We also have international affiliations if a financial statement should need to be published for a stock market listing.


The purpose of tax auditing is to communicate to the fiscal authorities that the company has reasonably complied with tax regulations. This audit may be voluntary or compulsory.


The purpose of social security auditing is to demonstrate that the company has reasonably fulfilled requirements regarding social security. This audit may be voluntary or compulsory.


The purpose of housing funds auditing is to demonstrate that the company has reasonably fulfilled requirements regarding housing funds. This audit may be voluntary or compulsory.


The purpose of local tax auditing is to demonstrate that the company has reasonably fulfilled local government requirements regarding water taxes, property taxes, payroll taxes, and other local taxes. This audit may be voluntary or compulsory.


This service provides directors and stockholders of a company with an audit of the efficiency and effectiveness of its internal operations. We audit both the financial figures and processes including sales, purchases, payrolls, production, inventory, etc. This is a service for the senior management of a company.


We design internal control systems for companies or evaluate existing ones. These systems include the organizational structure, internal control policies, administrative procedures, and internal information systems, including data processing technology.
We give our professional opinion on the adequacy of the internal control systems and advice on what to improve. If necessary, we will also design and set up a new internal control system according to the company’s needs, and train staff to adhere to the new processes.


